Genine Lentine is the author of Mr. Worthington’s Beautiful Experiments on Splashes and the chapbook Poses: An Essay Drawn from the Model. She is co-author with Stanley Kunitz and photographer Marnie Crawford Samuelson of The Wild Braid: A Poet Reflects on a Century in the Garden. She received an M.S. in Theoretical Linguistics from Georgetown University and an M.F.A. in Poetry from New York University. She was a 2012 Lucas Literary Arts Fellow at Montalvo Arts Center and was the 2012 summer resident in Poetry at the University of Arizona Poetry Center.
Her poems, essays, and interviews can be found in Diagram, American Poetry Review, Tricycle, Quarterly West, Provincetown Arts, O: The Oprah Magazine, Gulf Coast, and Indiana Review. Recent work appears in Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas and Conversations at the Wartime Café, Ninth Letter, and Shambhala Sun. Works-in-progress include Archaeopteryx, On Growth + Form, Slug or Snail: An Assay on Velocity and Viscosity, and Love Serenade.
.. two almost entirely contradictory educational experiences…came to mind in reading Genine Lentine’s luminously intelligent meditation on the act of regarding the model, on posing and rendering, on attention and time. Had I power to revise the past I’d put Lentine at the helm of those classes; I can’t imagine anyone more thoughtful about what happens there, more attentive to the rich and subtle exchange taking place between those who look and those who pose, those who lift pencil to paper and those who present themselves as “objects” to be seen in the light of the studio, to be framed upon the page. The word “object” never appears here, which points to the way this poetic sequence/meditative essay is in fact deeply concerned with who sees, and what is seen, and the troubled and infinitely promising possibilities of that exchange.
-Mark Doty on “Poses”